The Steering Committee resolved to enhance institutional communication by resorting to its own Newsletter – published on the website for the first time in February 2021 and simultaneously sent to ordinary, honorary and trainee magistrates on a monthly basis – with the intention of disseminating the legal documentation produced within the training circuit of the School through the link to the institutional site.
In this area, selected doctrine and jurisprudence can find space, in a reasoned manner, with the collaboration of the professors of the course who most often carry out this study and research activity in view of the preparation of their report. Alongside the School’s documentation, the new regulations and legal documentation of other Institutions are included in the Newsletter. The appendix contains links to institutional sites of interest.
The sections of the Newsletter concern, in addition to the part dedicated to the programs of the various training sectors, also the didactic material collected for each course – which can also be consulted through the “Document Search” engine, within the Reserved Area of the site – including the one present in the circuit of European and international training. There is also a section concerning legislation, with a selection of some texts deemed of general interest; one dedicated to the other institutions, containing legal documentation of interest to magistrates: Constitutional Court, with the most significant rulings and press releases; Court of Cassation, with a selection of the main pronouncements in joint sections both in the civil and criminal sectors, the reviews and reports of the Office of the Supreme Court and the role of the Court of Cassation available on the portal managed by the state printing press; Prosecutor General of the Cassation, with particular regard to
the guidelines for the Prosecutor’s Offices.
In addition, specific sections are dedicated to the resolutions of regulatory interest of the Superior Council of the Judiciary and to the documentation edited by the Studies, Management and Training Office of the Council of State.
In the European dimension, a selection of the most significant decisions of the Court of Justice deserves feedback, as well as of the European Court of Human Rights (with access to the periodic and systematic reviews edited by the Strasbourg Court itself, available in English and French, and to a selection of sentences translated into Italian from the institutional website of the Ministry of Justice). Specific space is also reserved for resources of interest to the European Union and the Council of Europe.