The European Judicial Training Network
The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) is the principal platform and promoter for the training and exchange of knowledge of the European judiciary. EJTN represents the interests of over 120,000 European judges, prosecutors, judicial trainers and court staff across Europe.
EJTN’s mandate is to help build a genuine European area of justice and to promote knowledge of legal systems, thereby enhancing the understanding, confidence and cooperation between judges and prosecutors within EU states.
Charged with this mandate, EJTN promotes training programmes with a genuine European dimension for members of the judiciary in Europe.
This involves analysing and identifying training needs, designing programmes and methods for collaborative training, developing exchanges, and disseminating experiences in the field of judicial training, coordinating programmes and providing training expertise and know-how.
Formed in 2000, EJTN’s fields of interest include EU, civil, criminal and commercial law and linguistics and societal issues training. The vision of EJTN is to help to foster a common legal and judicial European culture.