Republic of North Macedonia
Academy for judges and public prosecutors of the Republic of North Macedonia
Supreme school of judges under the Supreme judicial council of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Institut Superieur de la Magistrature
- Mémorandum d’entente entre l’Institut Supûieur de fa Magistrature du Rwaumedu Maroc et l’Ecole Superieure de la Magistrature de la République Italienne (Fr)
- Memorandum di cooperazione tra la Scuola Superiore della Magistratura della Repubblica Italiana e l’Istituto della magistratura del Marocco (It)
Escola nacional de formação e aperfeiçoamento de Magistrados do Trabalho – (ENAMAT)
- Memorando de entendimento entre a Escola superior da Magistratura (Ssm) da República italiana e a Escola Nacional de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento de Magistrados do Trabalho – (enamat) da república federativa do brasil (Es)
- Memorandum di intesa tra la Scuola superiore della magistratura (Ssm) della Repubblica italiana e la Scuola nazionale per la formazione e il perfezionamento dei magistrati del lavoro — (Enamat) della Repubblica federativa del Brasile (It)
Escola da justiça paulista
The President of the School for the Judiciary, Giorgio Lattanzi, and the Director of the Paulista School of Magistrates, José Maria Câmara Junior, signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at promoting cooperation between the two institutions in the judicial training sector, favoring the exchange of knowledge, information and experience, with the aim of pursuing their institutional tasks, through the implementation of actions, programmes, projects and complementary activities of common interest among the participants.
The signing between the two institutions follows the meeting that took place last November, at the Rome office of the SSM, with a delegation from the Paulista School of Magistrates (EPM), led by the Director Câmara Júnior.