Home 9 E-Campus project

   As a result of the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, in 2020 the School for the Judiciary starts using Microsoft Teams and registering courses.

   Over time, a multimedia archive of significant size (about 2 years) and interest is created and a project for the dissemination and reuse of this archive begins to be developed.

   The project includes the following workflow: the video files of the course are divided into individual interventions. Speeches in mp4 video format are converted into mp3 audio files and transcribed automatically.

   To analyze the text files of the intervention (sometimes integrated with other documentation) parsers are used, developed by the ITTIG (Institute of legal documentation of Florence) in order to identify the normative and jurisprudential references.
The identified normative references are linked to Normattiva (open data regulatory portal managed by the Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato which publishes the Official Gazette); jurisprudential references are instead made to institutional sites (Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation, etc.) that adhere to the BO-ECLI project.
The result of the described processes is a final file, which will be available to learners and trainers, and which will form an archive of the SSM.
The collected data constitute the multimedia library named E-Campus project.

The project is currently under development and the data are subset of available data.
The search by “Legislative references” and “Legal references” is not activate in this demo.

Course code: P22003
Course speaker: Rolandino Guidotti
Course title: “reati informatici”

Form di ricerca



Codice corso/Course code

Titolo corso/Course title:

Relatore/Course speaker:


Norme citate (sperimentale)/Legislative references
Nome comune/Name: Tipologia norma/Type: Data/Date: Num./Number:
Giurisprudenza citata (sperimentale)/Legal references
Organo/Legal body: Tipo decisione/Decision: Anno/Year: Num./Number: