Study visit OSCE – Albanian School of Magistrates

The complexity, cross-border and cross-cutting nature of the human trafficking crimes and the approaches to the specialization of judges and prosecutors were the main topics of a study visit of the Albanian judges of various jurisdiction and School of Magistrates at the Italian School of Magistrates, organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania.

The study visit aimed at familiarizing the Albanian judges of the High Court, the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime and School of Magistrates with the Italian jurisprudence and practical aspects of evidential issues in human trafficking cases, the implications of human trafficking in the smuggling of migrants, the involvement of organized crime and inter-agency cooperation.

The study visit is among a series of activities that the OSCE Presence in Albania has undertaken jointly with the Albanian School of Magistrates to support the advancement of the anti-trafficking training capacities of the Albanian School of Magistrates, as part of a project supported by the governments of the United States, Norway and Italy.


SSM will be responsible for the selection of three trainers for the framework of the 2023 TRAINING FOR EJTN ACTIVITY COORDINATORS

SSM will be responsible for the selection of three trainers for the framework of the 2023 TRAINING FOR EJTN ACTIVITY COORDINATORS

SSM will be responsible for the selection of three trainers for the framework of the 2023 TRAINING FOR EJTN ACTIVITY COORDINATORS, which will take place on 16 May, from 14.30 to 17.30 (Brussels time), online on Zoom.

The draft agenda foresees :
– A presentation of the new EJTN web site;
– A session on How to overcome challenges in hybrid seminars + demo on EJTN virtual classrooms;
– Demo on drafting learning objectives and how to present them for the EJTN 2024 Catalogue of Activities;
– Kirkpatrick level 3 : evaluation of EJTN events;
– EJTN welcome pack for Activity Coordinators: feedback and further needs.

 Deadline: Interested parties can apply until 12pm 2 May 2023. Please click on the link below

The School for the judiciary invites magistrates to register for the following online seminar organized by ERA

The School for the judiciary invites magistrates to register for the following online seminar organized by ERA

The School for the judiciary invites magistrates to register for the following online seminar organized by ERA, Academy of European Law, which will be held on 15-16 May 2023 in English language:

Invite to all members of judiciary (administrative judges, judges and court staff) to online seminar on European Corporate Tax Law: Recent Developments which will take place on 15-16 May 2023. We are offering the participation exceptionally free of charge this time for the entire event to the members of the judiciary. The language of the seminar is English.

The objective of the seminar is to provide participants with an update on the most recent developments in legislation and jurisprudence in the field of European corporate tax law.

Key topics include:

  • Policy update from the European Commission
  • Pillar 2 Directive
  • Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 3
  • Debt-equity bias reduction allowance
  • Securing the activity framework of enablers
  • Digital Services Tax
  • Taxing windfall profits in the energy sector
  • Recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the area of corporate taxation

The list of speakers includes Prof Péter Darák, Judge at the Supreme Court of Hungary; Vania Petrella, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Rome; Maria Saccomanni, Adviser, International Co-operation and Tax Administration Division, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD, Paris; Prof Edoardo Traversa, Professor of Tax Law, Catholic University of Louvain; Of Counsel, Arteo, Brussels; Bert Zuijdendorp, Head of Unit, Company Taxation Initiatives, DG Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission, Brussels and many more.

Please click here to see the detailed programme:

To register for free please click on the link below and fill out the form (not via the website):

It will be extremely helpful if you could share the information about the event with other potentially interested colleagues of yours.

Daniel Gärtner, Course Director in Section 1 remains at your disposal for any questions – Gärtner Daniel <>



(deadline 4 June 2023)


 The Steering Committee has resolved to re-open the terms to gather additional willingness to attend the EUAA Workshops in English for 2023, listed below:

5-6 October 2023 – Malta – “Exclusion from international protection”- Judicial analyzes on Exclusion: Articles 12 and 17 Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)

24-25 October 2023 – Malta – “ Ending international protection” – Judicial analysis on ending international protection

16-17 November 2023 – Belgium- “Detention of applicants for international protection” – Judicial analysis on detention of applicants for international protection in the context of the common european asylum system compilation of jurisprudence

The workshops will take place in presence for two days at the EUAA headquarters in Malta, with the exception of one which will be held in Brussels in September. The EUAA reserves the right to revert to an online format if unforeseen circumstances do not permit face-to-face organisation.
Information from the workshops is included in the 2023 activity calendar accessible through the EUAA website:

Click here for the EUAA calendar of activities 2023

Click here for the Catalogue of judicial Workshops

The SSM, having received the expressions of interest, will communicate up to a maximum of 10 candidates for the workshop.
To be selected, candidates must:
1. be a currently serving member of a court competent for international protection cases;
2. Have relevant knowledge and experience of international protection law;
3. Have a good working knowledge of both spoken and written English
4. Fewest international courses attended in the past four years (2019-2022)
5. Number of EUAA seminars attended in the last four years (2019-2022)
6. Less length of service
7. Minor age
For all seminars, priority will be given to candidates who serve as judicial trainers on international protection law in their own country.

Confirmation of EUAA participation
After the deadline for applications for each workshop, the EUAA will start the selection process trying to ensure a balanced geographical and gender representation. Applicants will be informed of the results of the EUAA selection within the deadline set and included in the calendar of activities.

Financial aspects
The EUAA will reimburse costs incurred as a result of physical participation in workshops, according to the rules set out in the decision of the Executive Director of the Agency (EASO/EDD/2021/006). In particular, when the distance between the place of departure and the place where the activity takes place is more than 50 km, the EUAA will contribute to the funding:
– Travel expenses, covered in the form of an all-inclusive flat rate:
1. EUR 350, for cross-border journeys and distances between 51 km and 2000 km;
2. EUR 600, for cross-border journeys and distances exceeding 2,000 km.
– Accommodation costs, reimbursed in the form of an all-inclusive package calculated according to the duration of the activity (in full days).
1. For Malta, this indemnity is set at EUR 138.
– Daily accommodation expenses, reimbursed in the form of an all-inclusive package calculated for the exact duration of the activity plus an additional travel day
1. For Malta, this indemnity is set at EUR 88.

Applications for all seminars must be sent:
by 04/06/2023 exclusively through the following link:

For further clarifications on the selection process, you can contact EUAA using the functional mailbox

EJTN STUDY VISITS 2023 – 2nd SEMESTER – deadline 15 May 2023

EJTN STUDY VISITS 2023 – 2nd SEMESTER – deadline 15 May 2023

(deadline 25 April 2023)

EJTN STUDY VISITS 2023 – 2nd SEMESTER – deadline 15 May 2023

.The School publishes a call for study visits organized by the EJTN which will take place during the second semester of 2023. The call concerns the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European institutions in Brussels, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Conference on Private International Law in The Hague.

The visits will take place from September to December 2023.

The deadline for submitting applications set by the EJTN is for 15 May 2023, at 6 P.M.. Applications must be submitted directly to the European Judicial Training Network via an online form available at the following link: https://exp-platform.ejtn .eu/ . It is advisable not to use the procedure in the days close to expiry, because overloads of the site and possible disruptions are to be expected.

The Steering Committee

Enforcement of State aid rules by national courts – AD/2023/13 – 11/12 May 2023 – Online Classroom

Enforcement of State aid rules by national courts – AD/2023/13 – 11/12 May 2023 – Online Classroom

(deadline 25 April 2023)

Enforcement of State aid rules by national courts – AD/2023/13 – 11/12 May 2023Online Classroom

The webinar is addressed to national judges at all instances in administrative or civil courts, in all Member States, who may be confronted with the enforcement of State aid rules. State aid matters can arise, for instance, before civil or administrative courts in charge of enforcing the European Commission decisions ordering recovery of incompatible aid, be it in execution or insolvency procedures, or requested to terminate administrative acts or private contracts granting State aid, or to grant interim measures or award damages. In all these instances, national judges are called to interpret of the notion of aid under Article 107 (1) of the Treaty for the functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and to assess whether such aid was awarded in breach of the standstill obligation under Art. 108 (3) TFEU. The webinar will focus on the key substantive and procedural concepts in State aid rules and on the respective roles of national courts and the European Commission in their enforcement. It will also be an invaluable opportunity to discuss the main practical and legal issues arising before the national judges, the main hurdles affecting the implementation of Commission decisions, for instance in insolvency proceedings or in private actions seeking remedies, and the available tools to seek the European Commission’s assistance in national proceedings. The webinar will offer the unique perspective of experts with first-hand experience of State aid from the Court of Justice of the European Union, national courts, the European Commission, academia, and private practice.

Thursday, 11 May 2023 – 9.00/12.30

Overview of State aid control under Article 107 – 109 TFEU

Moderator: Sara Lembo, Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Judiciary School.

 Friday, 12 May 2023 – 9.15/12.30

The role of the national judge

Moderator: Mr. Leonardo Armati, European Commission – State Aid Monitoring and Enforcement Unit.

Please click on the following link to view the course programme

Deadline: 25 April 2023

To apply: Please click on the link below

Registrations for the EJTN webinar “The interplay between Competition Law and Public Procurement Law”

Registrations for the EJTN webinar “The interplay between Competition Law and Public Procurement Law”

(deadline 13 April 2023)

Enforcement of State aid rules by national courts – AD/2023/13 – 11/12 May 2023Online Classroom

 The webinar is addressed to national judges at all instances in administrative or civil courts, in all Member States, who may be confronted with the enforcement of State aid rules. State aid matters can arise, for instance, before civil or administrative courts in charge of enforcing the European Commission decisions ordering recovery of incompatible aid, be it in execution or insolvency procedures, or requested to terminate administrative acts or private contracts granting State aid, or to grant interim measures or award damages. In all these instances, national judges are called to interpret of the notion of aid under Article 107 (1) of the Treaty for the functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and to assess whether such aid was awarded in breach of the standstill obligation under Art. 108 (3) TFEU. The webinar will focus on the key substantive and procedural concepts in State aid rules and on the respective roles of national courts and the European Commission in their enforcement. It will also be an invaluable opportunity to discuss the main practical and legal issues arising before the national judges, the main hurdles affecting the implementation of Commission decisions, for instance in insolvency proceedings or in private actions seeking remedies, and the available tools to seek the European Commission’s assistance in national proceedings. The webinar will offer the unique perspective of experts with first-hand experience of State aid from the Court of Justice of the European Union, national courts, the European Commission, academia, and private practice.

 Thursday, 11 May 2023 – 9.00/12.30

Overview of State aid control under Article 107 – 109 TFEU

Moderator: Sara Lembo, Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Judiciary School.

 Friday, 12 May 2023 – 9.15/12.30

The role of the national judge

Moderator: Mr. Leonardo Armati, European Commission – State Aid Monitoring and Enforcement Unit.

 Please click on the following link to view the course programme

 Deadline: 25 April 2023

 To apply: Please click on the link below

Italy-France: the SSM receives two French magistrates from the ENM

Italy-France: the SSM receives two French magistrates from the ENM

(deadline 28 March 2023)

Italy-France: the SSM receives two French magistrates from the ENM
As part of the collaboration between the School for the Judiciary and the École nationale de la magistrature (ENM), the Secretary General of the SSM, Federica Tondin, and the head of the international sector of the Steering Committee, Gianluca Grasso, received this morning , at the Rome office, two judicial auditors of the French School, Béatrice Berger and Coralie Delisle, accompanied by the liaison magistrate at the Ministry of Justice, Stéphanie Felix, and by the decentralized training contact person of the Rome district, Corinna Papetti.
The internship plan, drawn up in collaboration with the magistrates of the territorial decentralized training structure of the Rome district – Corinna Papetti for civil matters and Emilia Conforti for criminal matters – falls within the framework of the Quirinal Treaty between Italy and France, signed in Rome on November 26, 2021, which aims to provide a stable and formalized framework for cooperation in relations between the two countries.
• Internship plan

Webinar ‘Country Guidance Talks: Afghanistan and Syria’

Webinar ‘Country Guidance Talks: Afghanistan and Syria’

(deadline 28 March 2023)

The School for the Judiciary announces that an online event organised by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) will take place in the afternoon of 30 March 2023.

It will be an opportunity to briefly present three recent publications on country orientation and to engage in a conversation guided by your interest and questions.

The event will start at 1.30 p.m. with an introductory session, presenting the general work on country guidance and the recent ‘Country Guidance: Explained’, a document conveying the methodological framework and general orientations underpinning the common country-specific analysis and guidance notes, more information on which can be found at the link:

It will continue at 2 p.m. with the recent update of the ‘country guidelines: Afghanistan’ (January 2023) highlighting important developments in the human rights situation in the country under the Taliban. This session will present some of the main conclusions of the new guidelines, more information on which can be found at:

In the last session of this event, which will start at 3.10 p.m. and end at 4 p.m., the focus will be on the update of the “Country Guidelines: Syria” (February 2023), shedding light on some of the main conclusions and their reasoning, more information on which can be found at the link:


Registration to this event is now open at

 When registering, take the opportunity to ask any question related to the country guidance work and recent publications, and the colleagues will respond in the upcoming session.

 The event will be open to staff of national determining authorities as well members of courts and tribunals in the EU+. In addition, the invitation is extended to staff from the national determining authorities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Staff of the EUAA, the European Commission, and UNHCR is also welcome to join.

 Deadline for registrations: 28 March 2023

Invitation to the online event will be sent upon registration.

We look forward to seeing you on 30 March 2023. In the meantime, if you need any further clarifications regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact

Magistrates admitted to the EJTN Short Exchange Program 2023

Magistrates admitted to the EJTN Short Exchange Program 2023