Home 9 The Activities

The School is the sole institution in charge with professional training of the judiciary.
In particular it is responsible for organising and managing:

– training initiatives for judges and prosecutors (and, when required, for other legal practitioners);
– training for honorary judges and prosecutors;

– training courses for judges and prosecutors applying for the posts of chief in first and second instance courts and prosecution offices;

– the training of court presidents and chief prosecutors, as well as judges and prosecutors holding similar positions in courts and prosecution offices;

– the training of judges and prosecutors serving as trainers;

– decentralised training activities;

– cooperating in activities connected with initial training of judges and prosecutors, within the guidelines set forth by the High Council for the Judiciary and taking into account proposals of the local judicial councils;

– the training in Italy of foreign judges and prosecutors participating in training initiatives organised by the European Judicial Training Network or within projects funded by the European Union led by other States or international institutions;

– the coordination of training activities focused on organisation and functioning of the judiciary for Italian judges and prosecutors implemented by other States or international institutions;

– partnerships, upon request of governmental bodies, in activities related to the organisation and functioning of the judicial system in other countries;

– training programmes in collaboration with similar structures of foreign States or professional associations;

– publication of research and studies in training related topics;

– organisation of activities and cultural exchanges, meetings and research, related with training;

– on the basis of specific agreements or conventions, organisation of seminars for legal practitioners or young lawyers enrolled in lawyers’ specialization courses.

(ver. 22/1/23)


  • European Gaius project
  • The Bulletin
  • The Quaderni series
  • The multimedia archive