Giorgio Lattanzi, President of the Italian School for the Judiciary
Giorgio Lattanzi entered the judiciary on 11 September 1964 and initially held judicial office in Roman offices, first as a praetor and then as a court judge. From February 1977 to 1979 he was attached to the Legislative Office of the Ministry of Justice, where he returned in January 1982 with the specific task of coordinating the ministerial work on the drafting of the new Code of Criminal Procedure. In 1986 he was conferred appellate functions and applied to the Court of Cassation, also continuing to coordinate ministerial work on the drafting of the new Code of Criminal Procedure. In February 1989 he was conferred the functions of counsellor at the Court of Cassation, which he performed until November 1995, when he took up the functions of deputy public prosecutor at the same Court of Cassation, also as a member of the Joint Sections. In July 1996 he was appointed Director General of Criminal Affairs at the Ministry of Justice, a post he held until 2001, when he returned to the Court of Cassation.
In April 2006 he was appointed President of the Sixth Criminal Chamber. From 1977 to 2000 he participated in the preparatory work of most of the most important criminal and criminal procedure laws.
He was a member of the Commission for the drafting of the new Code of Criminal Procedure (which he coordinated the drafting work) and of the commissions appointed after the entry into force of the new code to study its operation and propose appropriate amendments; he was also a member or chairman of numerous other ministerial commissions on criminal and criminal procedure matters. In particular, he chaired the Ministerial Commission for the drafting of Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001, which introduced and regulated the administrative liability of legal persons for offences committed in their interest. He participated in international plurilateral and bilateral negotiation activities, intergovernmental meetings and the work of the European Union, where he led the Italian delegation of the Article 36 Committee (CATS), which had the task of overseeing the work of the Union in the areas of justice and home affairs. He has taught criminal procedural law at the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome. He was the editor of the journal Cassazione penale and co-director of the Rassegna di giurisprudenza e di dottrina sul codice di procedura penale, the Rassegna di giurisprudenza e di dottrina sul codice penale and the series Quaderni di Cassazione penale and Legislazione penale speciale – Esposizione di giurisprudenza e di dottrina, published by Giuffrè.
He is the editor of a Criminal Code annotated with case law and a Code of Criminal Procedure annotated with case law, published annually, and of several volumes of commentary on legislative texts by the publisher Giuffrè. In December 2010, the Court of Cassation elected him Judge of the Constitutional Court, becoming its President in 2018.

Lorenza Calcagno, Vice President
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Marisaria Maugeri, Vice President
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Marco Maria Alma, Member of the board
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Antonella Ciriello, Member of the board
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Gianluca Grasso, Member of the board
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Gabriele Positano, Member of the board
[Breve nota biografica].

Claudio Consolo, Member of the board
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Fabrizio Di Marzio, Member of the board
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Gian Luigi Gatta, Member of the board
[Breve nota biografica].

Sara Lembo, Member of the board
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