We are pleased to inform you that our successful project ‘ 1 hour Lunchtime Webinars:  1 topic – 1 expert – 1 hour – unlimited questions’ continues after the summer break , starting on 7 September.


Information on the 9 webinars from Administrative Law, Civil Law, Criminal Justice, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Linguistics and Judicial Training Methods portfolios, planned to take place September-December 2023 can be found below.


The webinars are composed of a short introduction and a 40-minute expert presentation followed by a Q&A session and take place on Thursday, bi-weekly, at 1 pm – 2 pm Brussels time, on the Microsoft Teams platform.

There is no selection process, nor national quota foreseen. Participation is done via open registration.

Open registration on OSP allows us to gather some data for our reports. The MS Teams link to join each webinar will be sent via OSP to all registered participants.

Participants are invited to use their names from the OSP registration when joining the webinar on Teams. This way, we can identify them when sending them the evaluation form of the webinar and certificate of participation via OSP.


Kindly note that LW/2023/13 has a longer duration and has been postponed from 20 July to 25 October 2023.



  1. LW/2023/14 on 7 September 2023


Topic: Restorative Justice

Speaker: Ms. Carmen De La Fuente Méndez, Prosecutor at the Spanish Public Prosecutor´s Office on Environment and Land Planning, with experience in the use of restorative justice in criminal cases

Moderator: Mr. Pedro Perez Enciso, Senior Prosecutor, Technical Cabinet of the Prosecutor General of Spain

Date: 7 September 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Criminal Law

Content: An awareness of the benefits of using Restorative Justice in Criminal matters for victims, communities and offenders; aiming to achieve satisfaction within the justice process for all stakeholders. The practical application of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec (2018) concerning Restorative Justice in criminal matters – from a Judge’s perspective.

Main target group: Judges, prosecutors and court staff.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/15 on 21 September 2023


Topic: The water and sanitation as human fundamental rights

Speaker: Alexandra Aragão, professor University of Coimbra

Moderator: Fernando Duarte, Administrative Court of Appeal of Oporto and Trainer at the Judicial School of Lisbon, Portugal

Date: 21 September 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Content: A reflection on how the universal access to safe drinking and clean water and to basic sanitation are human rights, essential to everyone’s health, dignity and prosperity, fundamental for the full enjoyment of life and of all human rights.

Main target group: Judges and prosecutors.

Learning outcomes: By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the main EU water legislation
  • Analyze how high quality safe and sufficient (drinking) water is essential for public health and well-being;
  • To assess the way in which access to potable water and basic sanitation are prerequesites for the realization of other fundamental rights;
  • Synthesize how EU’s law on water and sanitation reflect the vision of the access to water and sanitation are fundamental rights.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/16 on 5 October 2023


Topic: COMPRENDRE LE VOCABULAIRE DES JURIDICTIONS FRANCAISES ET DE L’UNION EUROPEENNE – de principaux termes juridiques utilisés et leurs significations et exemples

Speaker: Leona Černá, professeur en français juridique à la Faculté de droit de l’Université Palacky à Olomouc

Moderator: TBC

Date: 5 October 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Linguistics


  1. La terminologie de l’organisation judiciaire en France
  2. Les équivalents terminologiques des organes judiciaires et de l’ordre juridictionnel français, belges, luxembourgeois et suisses
  3. Les équivalents terminologiques des organes judiciaires de l’Union européenne.

Main target group: Juges et procureurs.

Learning outcomes:

Ce cours a pour objectif de présenter la terminologie essentielle pour comprendre le système juridictionnel français, de distinguer l’ordre judiciaire et administratif en France, de présenter leurs équivalents dans d’autres pays francophones en Europe (Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse) et de présenter la terminologie de l’organisation judiciaire de l’Union européenne.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/17 on 19 October 2023


Topic: Judicial Resilience

Speaker: Emma J. Bell, Audible bestselling author, multi-award winning Speaker, Resilience Expert, and Coach.

Moderator: Philip Rostant, Judge, Judicial Academy United Kingdom

Date: 19 October 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Judicial Training Methods

Content A presentation on building professional and personal resilience.

Main target group: Judges and prosecutors

Learning outcomes: By the end of the Webinar delegates will have learned what steps they can take to build their resilience in the face of challenging professional circumstances and have confidence to apply one or more methods to their regular practice.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/13 on 25 October 2023


This Lunchtime Webinar was postponed from 20 July and takes the form of a three-hour webinar organised by the Italian School of the Magistracy, open to EJTN participants.


Topic: Collective redress in consumer protection

Speakers:  Andrea Giussani, Full Professor of Civil Procedure – Università di Urbino, Elena D’Alessandro, Full Professor of Civil Procedure – Università di Torino, Enrico Camilleri, Full Professor of Private Law – Università di Palermo

Moderator: Gianluca Grasso, SSM Member of the Board of the Directors

Date: Wednesday 25 October, 15h-18h Brussels time

Portfolio: Civil Law

Content: The event aims to provide valuable insights into collective redress in consumer protection, covering topics such as collective actions, remedies, costs of proceedings, burden of proof, and relevant EU directives. It offers a platform for academic experts and practitioners to share their knowledge and engage in meaningful discussions, fostering a deeper understanding of this legal area.

Learning outcomes: Gain a comprehensive understanding of collective redress in consumer protection, including the latest developments in theory and practice.

Engage in interactive Q&A sessions with esteemed professors and experts to clarify doubts, seek further insights, and address specific queries related to collective redress in consumer protection.

Target audience: Judges, Prosecutors, legal practitioners and Court Staff


Full program:



Gianluca Grasso – Marisaria Maugeri – Claudio Consolo – SSM Board


Collective actions and collective remedies: developments in general theory

Andrea Giussani, Full Professor of Civil Procedure – Università di Urbino




Costs of the proceedings related to representative actions (EU Directive 2020/1828)

Elena D’Alessandro, Full Professor of Civil Procedure – Università di Torino





17:00 -17:30

Representative Actions and Relief of the Burden of Proof: Effects of Final Decisions and Disclosure of Evidence under EU Directive 2020/1828

Enrico Camilleri, Full Professor of Private Law – Università di Palermo




Final remarks


OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP

Teams link to join the webinar directly:

Click here to join the meeting


  1. LW/2023/18 on 2 November 2023


Topic: The case law of the CJEU on constitutional rights in EU in times of crisis 

Speaker: Barbara Boukouvala.

Moderator: Evgenia Papadopoulou, Senior Judge, Administrative Court of Appeal of Thessaloniki, Vice President of the Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ), trainer in the Greek School of Judiciary

Date: 2 November 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Administrative Law

Content: The scope of the presentation will be an overview of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the two European crises: the fiscal and the health crisis.

The relevant decisions of the Court will be analyzed in comparison with the corresponding decisions of the Greek Courts. Here is a sample of the relevant decisions: CASE OF TΕRHE v. ROMANIA, 20.5.2021 (49933/20), CASE OF FENECH v. MALTA, 01.03.2022 (19090/20), Le Mailloux v. France (18108/20), Koufaki v. Greece, 7.5.2013 (57665/12 και 57657/12)

Main target group: Administrative and civil judges

Learning outcomes: A better understanding of judicial protection in times of crisis, both on the national level and on the level of European Courts. The approach of the judicial protection of the citizens but also the constitutional barriers. Participants should be in the position to understand better the respective normative framework and the related case law.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/19 on 16 November 2023


Topic: Contract law

Speaker: TBC

Moderator: Stylianos Bios, Judge at the First Instance Court of Thessaloniki & Seconded National Expert at EUROJUST.

Date: 16 November 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Civil Law

Content: General contract law, the European Union (EU) recognizes special contracts such as sports contracts, which govern the relationship between athletes, teams, and governing bodies, outlining terms related to player transfers, salaries, image rights, and other provisions specific to the sports industry.

Main target group: Judges, Prosecutors, legal practitioners and Court Staff

Learning outcomes: Participants will gain an understanding of the key terms and provisions within sports contracts, such as player transfers, salaries, image rights, and other industry-specific considerations, equipping them with the knowledge necessary to navigate and advise on legal matters in the sports industry.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/20 on 30 November 2023


Topic: Dialogue and expectations between the judiciary and criminal psychologists. The practical contribution of truth verification instruments

Speaker: TBC

Moderator: Angelina Lazarova, Judge of Court of Appeal Varna

Date: 30 November 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Criminal Law

Content: The webinar aims to focus the attention on the essence of the different scientific methods for truth verification and how the information gathered through them could be used in practice. We will discuss the expectations of judiciary and the opportunities and limitations of truth verification methods.

Main target group: Criminal judges and prosecutors.

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP


  1. LW/2023/21 on 14 December 2023


Topic: Whistleblower directive

Speaker: TBC

Moderator: Morana Briski, Senior Court Counsellor, Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia

Date: 14 December 2023, 13h-14h Brussels time

Portfolio: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Content: TBC.

Main target group: Judges, prosecutors and court staff

Learning outcomes: TBC

OSP link for registration below (registered participants will receive MS Teams link to join the webinar):

Click here for the Open Registration on OSP